Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Administration and New Public Management - 3752 Words
J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(4)3915-3919, 2012  © 2012, TextRoad Publication ISSN 2090-4304 Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research *Corresponding author: Hassan Danaeefard, Associate Professor, Public Administration, Tarbiat Modarres University, (TMU), Tehran, Iran. Email: The Streaks of New Public Management in Iranian Governmental Sector in the Frame of Privatization Policy Hassan Danaeefard1*, Seyed Mahdi Alvani2 and Mohammad Reza Noruzi3 1.Associate Professor, Public Administration, Tarbiat Modarres University, (TMU), Tehran, Iran 2.Professor, Public Administration, Allame Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran 3.EMBA, PhD candidate, Public Sector Policy Making, Islamic Azad University,†¦show more content†¦are some main matters of this strategy in public section. New Public Management Theory, Iran and Privatization In the idea of theorists [9], there is nothing as important as publicity of governmental organizations. The expression of publicity is an obvious symbol of public and private separation. We are going to investigate the dimensions of negative effect of modern governmental management on the publicity of administrational organizations. 3915 Danaeefard et al., 2012 1. New public management: Filling the gap between public and private One common assessment of public service democracy is the evaluation of unique or fundamental qualities which are supposed to be the differentiating symbol of public and private. The insertion of new public management into governmental organizations exterminatesthe border between them because market, norms and unique standards of public service such as citizenship, responsibility, equality, confronting and justice toward them which Islamicgovernments and developed countries like America, England, France and Canada are supporters of, are rambled as some norms of business, competition, productivity and benefit existed [9]. The researches in some countries such as England [10], United States [11], Belgium, Germany, the Netherland and Sweden [10] even in some of developing countries as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines and SouthShow MoreRelatedPublic Administration And The Public Sector837 Words  | 4 PagesOld Public Administration was created to answer the questions to many unanswered problems. President Woodrow Wilson said it was â€Å"harder to run a constitution than to frame it†because of the difficult administrative tasks had to deal with. Sure enough, he was not the only person who felt that way. President Wilson believed that in order to run an effective government, ideas from the private sector should be incorporated into the public sector. 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