Monday, May 18, 2020
Gay Child Rearing Essay - 1656 Words
The sexuality and development of children with gay parents must be most affected by the rearing of the gay parents. Does having gay parents affect a child’s mental health and growth? Can education and socialization be decreased with the presence of gay parents? How could it be possible that children are not affected by having two parents of the same sex? Doesn’t this cause some gender confusion for the child? How can a child develop properly without the experience of both a male and female role model? Will the child be at risk for molestation of a homosexual parent? A female teaches the child how to love, be caring, and offers a maternal nurturing that only a mother can give while a male teaches a child to be strong, disciplined, and†¦show more content†¦It has been shown through research that children raised by homosexual parents are more nurturing, recognize emotional situations, and show less aggressive interactions. The way that parents communicate and interact with their children shows much more effect on development than the sexual preference of their parents, claims Perrin (2002). The question is raised as to whether a child needs a mother and father role model. Conservatives say ‘yes,’ but all of the research that they have acquired is based â€Å"fellow conservative groups.†(Neff 2004). â€Å"Nearly 50 studies show there are no significant developmental differences between the children of gay parents and the children of straight parents.†(Neff 2004). In fact, gay parenting is supported by many psychological organizations like the National Association of Social Workers and the American Psychological Association. Children tend not to be confused by their gender role. In a study, research showed that 20 of 21 children correctly identified a favorite toy consistent with their gender. (Patterson, 1992). There is no more male hormone in a lesbian than in a heterosexual female. This was proven by a study done with 12 heterosexually parented children and 12 homosexually parented children. The study showed that the children â€Å"di d not differ in masculinity or androgyny.†Show MoreRelatedCommentary of Adam Liptak ´s Article Regarding Gay Marriage and Child Rearing716 Words  | 3 PagesAdam Liptak, a journalist for the New York Times, explained in Utah, in Opposing Gay Marriage, Find Three Arguments are Better than One why a heterosexual relationship is better for raising children in. The Utah law that would have allowed same sex couples to marry was recently shot down. Liptak goes on to explain why he agrees with the bill not being passed. The article states that this was important in â€Å"holding up and encouraging man-woman unions as the ‘preferred’ arrangement in which to raiseRead MoreGay Marriage: What Ever Happened To Equal Rights Essay example621 Words  | 3 Pagesfirst U.S president to declare his support for gay marriage. 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